
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

~~Yeayy..dapat balik status Glitterati~~


sengih cam kerang busuk..
tgk blog...tadaaa.........

dah dapat balik status Glitterati tu...
bukak emel plak...
dapat reply drp nuffnang sebab smlm anta ticket tnya psl status tu..
meh baca...

Hi Shariffah,

Glitterati membership is an automated process. It's given automatically to a blogger's account if all his/her blog(s) registered with us serve Nuffnang ads publicly at all times and none from our competitors. In addition to that, the registered blog(s) should also be active and has at least 1 visitor in each day or else our crawler will mark it as a spam blog and this will affect your membership status. Should your blog be free from any conflicting activities, you'll receive your Glitterati membership in 4 days time.

Your blog did not serve Nuffnang ads publicly at all times and thus affected your membership status.  If you wish for Glitterati status to be reinstated, kindly ensure that all your registered blogs under one Nuffnang account have our Nuffnang ads placed.  Once the process is done, you'll be given your Glitterati membership back.

hua3..patut la dia tarik balik status tu..
upenye blogku yg satu lg xaktif...
sebab dah delete dah dari blog manager nuffnang tu..

moga2 xde dah dia nk tarik balik aku nye glitterati...
suka ah tgk bunga tu...
comel aje kaler pink...

tu jela tuk malam nih..
nk g tdo..esok kije 10am-10pm..

nite korang..muah!!!!!


  1. bagus la dapat gliteratti balek :D

  2. ape pentingnye gelitari 2?nak taw juga..maaf br ag..xtaw..btw,singgah cni and folow u:)sng2 folow la sye..

  3. syukur...^__^
    hi farah dtg melawat..;)

  4. huhu..tu yang susah kalau ade rbnyk blog tu..sampai tak terkawal



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